the twilight saga. I'll left it with you..

hehehe akhirnyaaa, stelah gue stengah mati penasaran (i even buy the book before i watch the movie - yet left unfinished hehehe).. gue nonton jugaaaaaaaaaaa kmaren!!! gue pikir, "mumpung lg nonton murah, klo pun jelek ga bakal kecewa2 amat".. but surprisingly, i love the plot and the love story between this human and a vampire.

at first ni film lumayan aneh dalem ati gue, dialog2nya ga "kena" dan cenderung "garing" dan "sepi".. but then karna gue ada contekkan buku, hehehe it is suppose to be like that. the colours and everything, looked like a budget movie, tp balik lagi emang hrsnya settingnya kaya gitu, where in the rest of the movie it turned out to be more colorful. kynya emg menggambarkan keadaan daerah yg "dingin" dan "sepi", ditambah dengan bella's heart yg memang kesepian (well she had to leave arizona and being far away from her mum - satu2nya org yg deket sama dia).

one thing i love the most about this movie (or novel) adalah betapa romantisnya this Edward Cullen guy.. he's really really romantic dan berani mati utk Bella Swan. sounds cliche? if you read the book and watch the movie (sort of), you can sense it.. the writer express it really well!! well maybe because I'm a sucker for love movies anyway...

if in Harry potter you don't see or read much about his love stories, with the Twilight saga (twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn) Stephenie Meyer is equally divide the plots for both love stories and also the adventure (well, the vampires - werewolves thingy). But don't get me wrong, the movie is far from what people would expect with a vampire movie..a movie full of ugly vampires and blood??? far from it. Sepertinya si penulis dan pembuat film mau ngerubah mind set penonton dan image si vampire tersebut. Smua adegan bunuh2 oleh vampire jahat pun ga diliatin. Intinya darah2 itu dikiiiiiiiiiiit bgt deh (thank god hahaha).

as soon as I got back home, I continue reading the book (Twilight) karna gue udh ada bayangan, what they all look like, how cold and small this town called Fork is, and how scary the mean vampires are.. heuheueuehueu... and as some people would know, if i read, i can't stop. Welll, i managed to finish the last harry potter book in one day. sick. kekekeke soalnya gue paling ga bisaaa gantung dan penasaran!!! mknya kadang2 i'd prefer to borrow someone else's books for light reading kind of type...soalnya rugi, baru beli puluhan $ bisa selesay dalam itungan jam huhuhu. but in this case spertinya ga bisa.. gue penasaraaaaaaaaan dan mau beli semua lanjutannya!!! hahahah.

would bella choose to be a vampire and spend the rest of her life (as in immortality) with Edward? and how's her friendship with Jacob Black will be? knowing that vampires don't get along with werewolves..

you could take a peek here:

"And you're worried, not because you're about to meet a house full of vampires, but because you're afraid those vampires won't approve of you, correct?"

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..." (Edward Cullen)


just my opinion, Robert Pattinson is cute (note: cute not HOT)..but Edward Cullen? he is just too pale heheheheh... but he's soo damnnnn romantic! I was really touched by the love story... to love and be loved, that's exactly how it felt.